Free to Read!

Free to Read!

Everyone’s story is important! It is not fair to you and your family when other people try to make rules about what you can and cannot read and learn about. Your reading decisions should be made by YOU and the adults who take care of you! By sharing and reading many different stories, we learn about new things, new people, and new experiences -- that makes our brain bigger and smarter! So celebrate your freedom to read all summer!

About the Artists

About the Artists

The Library and four local artists – Nick Alan Foote, Cecelia “Mousy DeVilla” DeLeon, Deycha Nhtae and Kela Wong – collaborated on artwork for the Summer of Learning.

Summer of Learning Past Years

Illustration of a superhero

We have offered summer reading and learning programs for Seattle youth since 1919.

Our 2023 Summer of Learning theme was Time Travel Summer!

2023 Summer of Learning

Our 2022 Summer of Learning theme was Superhero Summer!

2022 Summer of Learning