• Susan Burton

    Susan Burton: 'Becoming Ms. Burton'

    Turning to drugs after the tragic loss of her son, Susan Burton cycled in and out of prison before getting clean. She then dedicated her life to helping women facing similar struggles. This is her story. Recorded on June 7, 2017.

    icon  Listen to Audio (00:54:01) | View transcription (pdf) | Posted June 2017

  • Ava DuVernay's 13th

    Ava DuVernay's 13th Film Screening

    Listen to an exciting panel discussion on criminal justice reform and over-incarceration that followed the screening of the film. Panelists include: Dominique Davis, co-founder and CEO of Community Passageways and Jerrell Davis, educator, artist, and community activist from South Seattle. Recorded on April 13, 2017.

    icon  Listen to Audio (00:37:15) | View transcription (pdf) | Posted April 2017

  • Beyond the Wall

    Beyond the Wall: Panel Discussion

    Listen to a panel discussion on local issues, obstacles, and advocacy for people with criminal histories in our community. Panelists include: Saudia J. Abdullah, Director, Community Corrections Division King County Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention; Rhona Taylor, Columbia Legal Services & Washington State Reentry Task Force; Lynette Malo, Pioneer Human Services Employee; Keith Whiteman, Post Prison Education Project; and moderator Steve Mullin, President, Washington Roundtable. Recorded on March 22, 2017.

    icon  Listen to Audio (00:38:54) | View transcription (pdf) | Posted March 2017

  • Dr. Edwin Nichols

    Dr. Edwin Nichols: Ending the School-to-Prison Pipeline & Beyond

    Listen to a community talk by Dr. Edwin J. Nichols, renowned organizational psychologist and groundbreaking racial justice advocate. Dr. Nichols takes a deeper look at his pioneering work on racial relations, including a deeper dive into how we can address a pressing equity issue, like the school to prison pipeline and other forms of institutional racism. Recorded on Jan. 23, 2017.

    icon  Listen to Audio (01:46:58) | View transcription (pdf) | Posted January 2017

  • Reverend Starsky Wilson

    Advancing Racial Equity & Engaging the Community’s Voice: Reverend Starsky Wilson

    In the wake of Michael Brown, Jr.’s tragic death in 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri, what can other cities and regions do to advance racial equity and authentically work together to support and empower communities?  Listen in to a conversation with Reverend Starsky D. Wilson, president & CEO of Deaconess Foundation and co-chair of the Ferguson Commission. Appointed by Missouri’s governor in 2014, the Ferguson Commission made recommendations in 2015 to help the region address issues exposed by Brown’s death including changes in policing, the courts, child well-being and economic mobility. -- Karen Toering of Social Justice Fund Northwest moderates a discussion and audience Question and Answer session with Reverend Wilson. Discussion topics include the role of the media in shaping conversations about race and how to engage diverse community voices when working towards equity and equitable outcomes for all. Recorded on June 7, 2016.

    icon  Listen to Audio (01:18:54) | View transcription (pdf) | Posted June 2016