Approved by Marcellus Turner, Chief Librarian, on November 17, 2014
Every member of the public has the right to use the facilities and resources of The Seattle Public Library. No individual with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation at the Library or be denied the benefits of accessing Library services, programs, activities or employment.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, public entities, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation and telecommunications.
The Library provides reasonable accommodations for physical access, communications or other needs to ensure that services, activities and programs are available to people with disabilities. The Library also provides reasonable accommodations to job applicants and employees with disabilities.
The Library's ADA Coordinator reviews all patron requests for reasonable accommodations. When appropriate, the ADA Coordinator will call upon the Library's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to address concerns related to facility accessibility in Library buildings. The CIP manager reviews accommodation requests and grievance claims to determine if a reasonable accommodation is feasible, and whenever possible, facilitates necessary physical improvements.
How do individuals with a disability request an ADA accommodation?
Library patrons seeking an ADA accommodation should complete the Reasonable Accommodation Request Form, available on the Library's public website:
For assistance with ADA-related concerns, please contact the Library's ADA Coordinator, whose contact information is also available on the Library's public website.
A patron's request will be handled as expeditiously as possible, but no later than 15 calendar days after receipt. Please note that certification by a health care provider may be required. If the patron is unsatisfied with the Library's response, he or she may appeal by mail to the Director of Administrative Services, 1000 Fourth Ave., Seattle, WA 98104 within 15 calendar days of receiving the Library's response, or by email at
Employees seeking an accommodation should consult the Disability Accommodations page, accessible via the Human Resources team page on the Library's internal website, infoNET.
Employees seeking an accommodation will need to provide documentation of their disability certified by a health care provider. The necessary forms are available on the Disability Accommodations webpage.
How does a patron alleging discrimination or retaliation file a grievance?
If a patron feels that he or she has been discriminated against based on his or her disability, or has faced retaliation for engaging in ADA-protected activities, he or she should submit a written or verbal complaint as soon as possible, but not later than 60 calendar days after the alleged violation. It should contain the name, address, and phone number of the complainant and briefly provide the location, date, and description of the alleged discrimination. Individuals should follow the procedures provided in the ADA Grievance Form, available on the Library's public website.
The Library's ADA Coordinator or other impartial employee will send the patron a written determination of the validity of the complaint and description of the remedial and corrective actions, if any. This response will be issued no later than 30 days after receipt of the complaint. If the patron is not satisfied with the determination, he or she may appeal the decision to the City Librarian, 1000 Fourth Ave., Seattle, WA 98104 within 15 calendar days of receipt.
This procedure applies to all members of the public using, or seeking to use, Library facilities and/or resources. It also applies to all Library employees, as well as individuals seeking employment with the Library.
Board Policy, Nondiscrimination: Complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act.