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- The branch is part of a five-story complex known as International District Village Square II, located between south Lane and Dearborn streets and Seventh and Eighth avenues south. The complex also includes 57 units of affordable family housing, a community center, retail space, and underground parking. The Library leases the space from the Seattle Chinatown International District Preservation and Development Authority (SCIDPDA).
- The branch has seating for 40 patrons, a collection capacity of 12,000 books and materials with an emphasis on multilingual and multimedia materials, computers and instruction areas and modern technology services.
- Project type: New branch library
- Completion date: 2005
- Budget for capital costs (tenant improvements): $735,000
- Total library program area: 3,930 square feet
- Computers: 12
- Artist: Rene Yung
- Art budget: $20,592
- Library Board steward: Eric Liu
- Architect: Miller Hayashi Architects (formerly Selkirk Miller Hayashi Architects)
- Contractor: Cope Construction Co.
- June 2005: The new International District/Chinatown Branch of The Seattle Public Library opened at noon Saturday, June 11.
- November 2004: Construction began on the new branch inside the International District Village Square II complex.
- September 2004: The Library took part in the International District Village Square II grand opening on Sept. 29.
- April 2003: The Seattle Public Library board of trustees selected Rene Yung, a sculptor and graphic artist from San Francisco, to design artwork for the new branch. Yung will use teacups collected from the community to create sculptural artworks in the branch.
- February 2003: Residents attended a "hopes and dreams" meeting to share ideas on design, services and programs, collections and artwork.
- November 2002: The SCIDPDA broke ground on International District Village Square II.
- December 2001: The Library Board approved a memorandum of understanding that records development expectations between the Library and the SCIDPDA for the new branch.
- February 2001: The Library Board selected Selkirk Miller Hayashi Architects to design the new branch. An advisory panel that included area residents evaluated proposals and interviewed architect finalists.
- December 2000: Eight architects answered the Library's call to design the new branch.
- November 1998: Seattle voters approved the $196.4 million "Libraries for All" bond measure. The bond money, which could be used only for construction of libraries, funded a new Central Library and new and improved branches.