In the building’s entry, artist Katherine Kerr has set bronze casts of hands from people in community. Seattle artist Morgan Brig created five copper and enamel panel for the branch. There is also a bronze sculpture by Charles W. Smith.
Artist Katherine Kerr of Paradise Valley, B.C., took casts of the hands of branch patrons to create "Anthology," five sets of bronze hands at the entry that hold objects inspired by community members. Words from patron comments about the branch are engraved in granite panels set into the pathway.
Thanks to funding from the Friends of the Southwest Branch, Seattle artist Morgan Brig created five copper and enamel panels that are mounted outside the meeting room. Called "The Constant Explorer," the artwork is a collection of images that show a whole universe inside the library.
A bronze sculpture called "Mother Reading With Child" by Charles W. Smith, from the original library, was reinstalled in the expanded branch.