The Seattle Public Library Is Closed On New Year's Day
All locations of The Seattle Public Library and book returns at the Central Library will be closed on New Year’s Day, Wednesday, January 1. All libraries will close at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2024.
2022 Global Reading Challenge School Champion Teams
Each school that participated in the trivia portion of Global Reading Challenge this year had a School Champion team that won their In-school competition. We celebrate them and their achievements in reading and teamwork. Congratulations, teams!
School Champion Teams
Adams Elementary: Sun Burned Potatoes
Alki Elementary: Little Einsteins
Arbor Heights Elementary: The Flying Bob Frogs
Beacon Hill International: Sick Six
B.F. Day Elementary: B.F. Day Book Busters
Broadview-Thomson K-8: Vintage Human Beings
Bryant Elementary: We Can Make This Challenge
Cascade Parent Partnership Axolotl, Gods of Reading
Cascadia Elementary: The Mighty Guinea Pigs
Catharine Blaine K-8: Weird Readers
Cedar Park Elementary: Masters of the Pages
Daniel Bagley Elementary: The Triumphants
Dearborn Park International: Rock' N Readers
Decatur Elementary: The Overestimated Llamas
Emerson Elementary: The Cheetahs
Fairmount Park Elementary: Fairmount Falcons
Gatewood Elementary: Speed Reading to Pi
Genesee Hill Elementary: Peregrine Falcons
Graham Hill Elementary: Read Runners
Green Lake Elementary: Fantastic Fireflies
Greenwood Elementary: Insert Team Name Here
Hawthorne Elementary: 7 Undefeated Winners
Hazel Wolf K-8 STEM: The Prolific Panthers
Highland Park Elementary: Milo Mustangs
John Hay Elementary: Crunchy Taco Cats
John Muir Elementary: Legendary Librarians
John Rogers Elementary: The Stars
John Stanford International: John Stanford Stars
Kimball Elementary: Red Readers
Lafayette Elementary: Spirit Readers
Lawton Elementary: Bunny Bros
Licton Springs K-8: Spirit Readers
Leschi Elementary: Leschi Super Vacuum Readers
Louisa Boren STEM K-8: Reading Pandas
Loyal Heights Elementary: The Reading Beavers
Magnolia Elementary: First Place Frogs
Maple Elementary: Stuffie Activists
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary: The Ragons
McDonald International: Spirit Readers
McGilvra Elementary: Big Elephant, Small Elephant
Montlake Elementary: The Book Wolves
North Beach Elementary: The Random Somethings
Northgate Elementary: Chamber of Readers
Olympic Hills: The Reading Warriors
Olympic View: The Sparkle puppies
Orca K-8: The Silver Whales
Pathfinder K-8: The Doughnut Corgis
Queen Anne Elementary: The Rad Readers
Rainier View Elementary: Emerald Mouthwash
Rising Star Elementary: The Speed Readers
Roxhill Elementary: LA Ballers
Sacajawea Elementary: Shine Stars
Salmon Bay K-8: The Book Bananas
Sanislo Elementary: The Lightning Page Turners
South Shore PreK-8: The Wreckers
Stevens Elementary: The Stevens Society of Radical Readers
Thornton Creek Elementary: Dewey Decimal Dragonflies