• Kensuke's Kingdom

    Kensuke's Kingdom

    Morpurgo, Michael

    Global Reading Challenge 2003, 2010

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View Kensuke's Kingdom
  • Me, Mop, and the Moondance Kid

    Me, Mop, and the Moondance Kid

    Myers, Walter Dean

    Global Reading Challenge 1997, 2001

    Format: Book

    Availability: No Longer Available

    View Me, Mop, and the Moondance Kid
  • Yang the Third and Her Impossible Family

    Yang the Third and Her Impossible Family

    Namioka, Lensey

    Global Reading Challenge 1997, 2001

    Format: Book

    Availability: No Longer Available

    View Yang the Third and Her Impossible Family
  • Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear

    Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear

    Namioka, Lensey

    Global Reading Challenge 1996, 2005, 2010

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear
  • The Boys Start the War

    The Boys Start the War

    Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds

    Global Reading Challenge 1997

    Format: Book

    Availability: No Longer Available

    View The Boys Start the War
  • The Girls Get Even

    The Girls Get Even

    Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds

    Global Reading Challenge 1998, 2003

    Format: eBook

    View The Girls Get Even
  • Shiloh


    Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds

    Global Reading Challenge 1997, 2002

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View Shiloh
  • Shiloh Season

    Shiloh Season

    Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds

    Global Reading Challenge 1999

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View Shiloh Season
  • Island of the Blue Dolphins

    Island of the Blue Dolphins

    O'Dell, Scott

    Global Reading Challenge 1997, 2003

    Format: Book

    Availability: In-library use only at this time

    View Island of the Blue Dolphins
  • Sing Down the Moon

    Sing Down the Moon

    O'Dell, Scott

    Global Reading Challenge 2000

    Format: Book

    Availability: No Longer Available

    View Sing Down the Moon