• What About the Baby?

    What About the Baby?

    McDermott, Alice

    In 14 essays, National Book Award winner McDermott dissects what makes a story worth reading, covering everything from the nitty-gritty of a good sentence to writer's block.

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

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  • Story


    McKee, Robert

    A foundational examination of the structure of narrative writing. Other books in McKee's series include Dialogue; Character; and Action.

    Format: Book

    Availability: All copies in use

    View Story
  • Elements of Fiction

    Elements of Fiction

    Mosley, Walter

    “Multi-award-winner Mosley … best known for his "Easy Rawlins" mystery series, explores life with genre-defying mastery. With conversational bounce, this guide provides writers with methods and tips to find clarity and emotion.” – Library Journal

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View Elements of Fiction
  • Write for your Life

    Write for your Life

    Quindlen, Anna

    "Novelist Quindlen maintains that everyone should write, no matter how informally, because "writing is power" and it connects us with ourselves and those we care about." - Library Journal

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View Write for your Life
  • Craft in the Real World

    Craft in the Real World

    Salesses, Matthew

    “The world has changed, and the writing workshop must catch up. An essential addition to the bookshelf of anyone interested in creative writing, Salesses’ text provides a compassionate approach sure to bring a new generation of authentic voices to the page.” —BookPage

    Format: Book

    Availability: All copies in use

    View Craft in the Real World
  • The Last Draft

    The Last Draft

    Scofield, Sandra Jean

    "Scofield provides a roadmap that includes how to read and deconstruct a finished manuscript critically, how to get to the heart of the story, and how to develop a plan and process for revision. This title stands out from the crowd of others on the subject." - Library Journal

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View The Last Draft
  • Wonderbook


    VanderMeer, Jeff

    “VanderMeer has done something new here. His guide hits all the topics a how-to book should cover... Where it differs is that VanderMeer aims to engage the imagination that is core to the work of [science fiction] and fantasy writers.” – Library Journal

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View Wonderbook
  • The Writer's Journey

    The Writer's Journey

    Vogler, Christopher

    Based on “The Hero’s Journey” by Joseph Campbell, Vogler presents a step-by-step guide for storytelling structure.

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View The Writer's Journey
  • Who Says?

    Who Says?

    Zeidner, Lisa

    "Poet and novelist Zeidner argues persuasively that point-of-view decisions 'are the very heart of fiction, more central and crucial than plot.' A thorough, practical guide for writers focused on the problem of point of view." - Kirkus

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View Who Says?
  • Seattle Writes: Publishing

    Seattle Writes: Publishing

    Librarians at The Seattle Public Library present a selection of books, online resources, and Seattle Writes podcasts for writers ready to publish their work via either traditional publishing or self publishing.

    View Seattle Writes: Publishing