About Fees & Lost Materials

How do I report a lost book or other lost materials?

You can contact us by email or chat at Ask Us or call us at 206-386-4636.

How much will I be charged if I return something late or lose an item?

We do not charge daily late fines, so there are no charges for any item you return late, once you return it. When an item is 31 days overdue we consider it lost and charge you for the replacement cost. If the item is then found and returned within one year of payment of fee, we will reimburse this fee.

How can I make a payment on my account?

We can accept payments by cash, check, or money order at any branch.

We also accept checks and money orders by mail at: Attention Borrower Payments, The Seattle Public Library, 1000 Fourth Ave., Seattle WA, 98104. Please include your Library card number on your check. We will mail you a receipt.

What does the Library do with payments?

Payments support our operating budget, which keeps libraries open and lets us buy new materials and equipment.

What happens if charges aren't paid?

Please return any items you still have and we will remove the replacement cost from your account. If you are unable to return the items or pay for replacement, please speak to staff about your options. Contact us online, visit any branch or call Borrower Services at 206-386-4190.

Can I contest a charge on my account?

If you have any questions or concerns about charges on your account, Ask Us, visit any branch or call Borrower Services at 206-386-4190.

If you are unable to pay charges on your account, please speak to staff about options.

If you have returned something that still appears on your account, let us know as soon as you can. We will try to locate the item and will not add any late charges for the missing item to your account while we look for it.