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- Your event must be open to all.
- You may not exceed the room capacity limit.
- Our meeting room reservation system allows you to reserve up to 10 hours of meeting room time in any four week period.
- Your event must occur during regular Library operating hours:
- The event must end 30 minutes before the Library closes. The meeting room must be put back in order and exited 15 minutes prior to closing, and you must completely vacate the premises when the Library closes.
- Please include setup and cleanup time in your reservation request.
- If necessary, please cancel your reservation at least seven (7) days before the scheduled event.
- We will cancel your reservation if you have not arrived by 30 minutes after the scheduled event time.
- Library meeting rooms are available only for non-commercial use. This means that:
- You may not collect or request to collect any fees, donations, and/or money for the event.
- You may not advertise or sell any products, memberships, or services.
- You may not collect contact information from event attendees, as doing so for the purpose of registering, selling, or advertising is prohibited.
- To protect the privacy of Library patrons, you may not use a ticketing or registration service that requires an email address or other contact information in order to register.
- Any promotional materials created for your event must not include information intended to promote commercial businesses. Promotional materials include press releases, flyers, posters, online announcements via websites, blogs, social media, etc.
- Any signs or flyers promoting your event must be approved by a Library branch manager or supervisor on duty prior to posting.
- Signs and flyers may be placed in library areas only if approved by Library staff.
- All promotional materials, including websites, digital and print advertising, social media, blogs, flyers and posters, press releases and emails, must include the following words: This event is NOT hosted, sponsored, or endorsed by The Seattle Public Library. Any views that are discussed in this meeting are not a reflection of The Seattle Public Library’s views.
- Do not use The Seattle Public Library’s name unless you are listing the address and do not use the Library’s logo.
- Please do not make announcements or print materials with an event date until your meeting room is confirmed.
- Serving or consuming alcohol on Library premises is prohibited.
- Aside from the tables, chairs, digital monitor, and whiteboards already available in the meeting room, you will need to supply any furniture and/or equipment needed for your event.
- Library staff cannot assist with room setup.
- Please leave the meeting room as you found it once your event ends.
- If your event includes decorations, please attach them to tack-able surfaces only and do not use tape on the meeting room’s walls or windows.
- You may not light candles or use helium-filled balloons.
- You are responsible for keeping the meeting room clean.
- Please place garbage in waste bins in the meeting room. Excess garbage must be removed from Library premises.
- We will charge you for any damage, cleaning, or waste disposal required beyond the Library’s normal janitorial service.
- You are responsible for maintaining a reasonable noise level and will comply with staff requests to lower noise volume. Please do not use amplifiers or megaphones.