Hoopla Movies

Hoopla movies logo

With Hoopla you can stream up to 15 videos or television shows (or music albums) per month using your computer, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or Android devices.

  • You can download apps for iOS and Android devices
  • You can watch videos (or play music) in standard web browsers for Windows and Mac
  • You can stream up to 15 titles per month for free with your Library card
  • Videos expire in 3 days (72 hours).


Kanopy logo

Kanopy lets you use up to 15 tickets per month to stream videos using your computer, iPhone, Android and Roku devices. Kanopy gives you access to over 30,000 independent, classic films, documentaries and TV shows with your Library card.

  • Use up to 15 tickets per month to stream video for free with your Library card
  • No software is required, but you can download Kanopy apps for iOS, Android, and Roku
  • You can stream videos in standard web browsers for Windows and Mac
  • Video expires automatically in three days (72 hours), so there are never late charges

Access Video

Access video logo

Access Video lets you watch video on demand from any computer or tablet. The collection includes documentary, performance, how-to and educational videos from PBS, BBC, History Channel, A&E and more.

  • Stream unlimited videos to your computer or tablet for free with your Library card
  • No software or app is required
  • You can stream videos in standard web browsers for Windows and Mac