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- Computers with internet access.
- Computers dedicated for browsing the catalog and accessing the Library's online resources.
- In-library use only laptops with internet access.
- In-library use only external optical drives to play CDs and DVDs.
- Wireless Internet Access (Wi-Fi) during open hours.
- Public printer, copier and scanner. Print from your own device with Wi-Fi printing.
- Free scanning, translating and online faxing station.
- WorkSource Connection Site with job search computers.
- Microsoft Office computers for offline work.
- Funding Information Network Site with grant research computers on Level 7.
- Charging station with Android and Apple charging cables.
- Courtesy phone to make brief, local phone calls.
- Microfilm reader machines on Level 9.
- Library Equal Access Program (LEAP) computer and resource lab on Level 1. LEAP helps people who are blind, have low vision or who are hard of hearing use library resources.
- Accessibility toolkits with adaptive equipment to help people who are blind or low vision use computers and other Library resources.
- Power Wheelchair Charging Station on level 3 to charge power mobility devices, such as power wheelchairs and scooters.
- ADA parking is available in paid underground parking garage.
- Elevator access to all levels.
- Interior book returns on level 1 and Level 3 are completely accessible.
- Exterior book return is accessible via foot and mobility device.