Book Bingo Reading Suggestions 

NoveList Plus: Looking for your next good read? Want to find books on a theme, subject, or set in a particular time and place? NoveList is a subscription database that has you covered.

Your Next Five Books: Your Next 5 Books is a personalized reading list service made by librarians tailored to your reading mood and interests.

  • Another Time (Past or Future): Whether historical fiction or a sci-fi future, this is your chance to pick a book that takes place in a timeline other than the present.
  • Based on Fairytale, Myth, Legend: Any modern interpretation of your favorite fairytale, myth, or legend.
  • BIPOC Fantasy or Sci-Fi: A science fiction or fantasy story written by a Black, Indigenous, or Person of Color author.
  • Made Into a Show or Movie: Was your favorite book turned into a movie or TV show? It counts!
  • Nom Nom Nom (Food/Cooking): Books about food! Books about eating! This could be nonfiction, fiction, a cookbook, a graphic novel—the world is your oyster!
  • Picture Book: Journey to yesteryear and read a favorite picture book! Could be something you read as a kid or something new to you.
  • Read Out Loud: Grab a family member, a pet, or a friend and read something to them! Conversely, let them read something to you!
  • Read Somewhere New: Pick a location where you have never read before! Try a park, a library, or a new chair!
  • Short ‘n Sweet: Read something short form like a poem, an article, a short story, or a novella.
  • Try a New Hobby or Activity: Have you wanted to try out a new recipe? Learn the latest TikTok dance? Paint with watercolors? This is your chance! Do a new activity or hobby for the first time!